Ethan Hawke Reflects on How Oscar Isaac Inspired Him to Join ‘Moon Knight’

moon knight ethan hawke

Moon Knight was one of Marvel Studios’ most ambitious projects. While it had its own struggles like any other project, there was something special about just how dedicated everyone was to the project. It even managed to bring some talented actors into the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke. Hawke had a chance to reflect on how he was inspired to join the franchise, and it was all Isaac.

And I saw a real opportunity with Oscar Isaac for Moon Knight. There was a fire inside Oscar about that project. He really wanted to play that part. And that’s a good sign. With Oscar, I could tell he was going to do his damnedest to give an outstanding performance inside a blockbuster [laughs].”

Ethan Hawke

He goes on to highlight how they approached it and even praised Marvel for how “they love actors” and just how “very generous” they are, highlighting something that has been always debated online.

And I thought, ‘Well, hell, I’d like to help him try to do that.’ It was just two actors in the middle of a big swashbuckling event piece. We could at least try to do what we do inside of it. And I really had a great time, to be honest. The exciting thing about the people at Marvel is that they love actors. They’re very generous towards actors, and they really understand that if there’s a likely high correlation—if an actor is really turned on to give an outstanding performance— the chances of the audience responding well to that are very high. What we don’t like is audience members are watching somebody phone it in, right?”

Ethan Hawke

There’s something nice to Hawke‘s comments and it seems that the experience was also worth his time. It’s also great to see how open the studio is to embracing the actor’s involvement with their projects.

Source: The Playlist

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