‘She-Hulk’ Star Teases Disney+ Series as the “Antithesis” of Superhero Narratives

she hulk

There’s been quite the discussion surrounding the release of the She-Hulk trailer. While one part of thee internet enjoyed its humor and promise of a legal comedy through the eyes of a superhero world, many others were mainly focused on the CG. Still, the Disney+ series has a massive star at the forefront with Tatiana Maslany, who offered a tease of what’s heading our way with the latest addition to Disney+’s growing repertoire.

She highlights what makes She-Hulk’s story so interesting is how she’s an “antithesis of most superhero narratives” Maslany teases that the two personalities will be at odds, especially as Jennifer Walters tries to deny the Hulk within her subconscious.

She really is the antithesis of most superhero narratives. There’s this great element of denial in her that’s relatable. For me, it was about rejecting what’s happened for as long as I could, as that’s what causes the fun tension between Jennifer and She-Hulk.

Tatiana Maslany

There actually was some merchandise that teased that the upcoming series may explore their dual personality which is very likely at odds throughout its showrun. So, some of the comedy may come from her losing control while She-Hulk enjoys her new freedom. Perhaps we even get to explore the concept of the Green Door or generally what is the true cause for the Hulking transformation. It’s all just speculation but with Ms. Marvel slowly coming to an end, eyes are already shifting towards the next project.

Source: Empire

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