Oscar Isaac Sees ‘Moon Knight’s Steven Grant as “A Bit on the Spectrum”

moon knight steven grant

Marvel Studios has quite the week and weekend planned for fans, with both the premiere of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and the finale of Moon Knight dropping within days of each other. Despite naturally needing to compete for attention from the highly-anticipated Doctor Strange sequel, Moon Knight has made a name for itself and fans are eagerly awaiting what the finale of the series has in store.

The Disney+ series’ finale remains mysterious, but the show’s focus on the character dynamics between Marc Spector and Steven Grant is likely to continue to be showcased. Oscar Isaac so far has been praised for his performance of the two characters, connected by Marc Spector’s dissociative identity disorder. In a recent interview with Collider, Isaac opened up even more about how he tackled the role. Interestingly, he described his take on Steven as being on the autism spectrum, something not acknowledged with respect to any other character in the MCU:

You know, I saw him as a bit on the spectrum. I actually loved watching Love on the Spectrum. That was like one of my favorite things to look at, because I just found it so moving and touching because it’s people that… All the same feelings we have in those situations, but they just haven’t developed all the masks to hide it all. So there was cues that I took from that. I imagined him as quite tall but wanting to feel smaller when he walks through rooms and things, and just played with the physicality and then just a very open face, which reminded me of my clown days back at school, where you play with the red nose and the way that it opens up your face, and then doing the opposite of that with Marc, making him, although much more present, like a marble in the middle of a room, but also tighter in the face and closed off. Lots of defenses up.

Oscar Isaac

For one, the significance of representing autism–even if not explicitly recognized in the series–is another example of how Marvel Studios is starting to open the door to a wider range of underrepresented groups in the universe. While this may have been more of a creative choice on Isaac’s part, the showrunners undoubtedly gave him that creative freedom. Obviously, in general, this allowed for a stunning performance by Isaac, and it crafted rich and well-developed characters to explore. It seems like a reason to be optimistic about creative freedom given to talent going forward in the MCU, which is a topic in many fans’ minds. In an event, it is another look at fan-favorite Steven Grant’s personality and how detail-oriented Isaac was in his performances.

The first five episodes of Moon Knight are now streaming on Disney+.

Source: Collider

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