Latest ‘Marvel’s Avengers’ Dev Stream Tease Tachyon Anomaly and Mega Hive Reworks

avengers tachyon anomaly

We got another minor developer stream with Crystal Dynamics. They’ve returned to the classic format by playing with the community and answering some questions from the chat. There was a brief mention of the issues that popped up with the recent 1.5.1a patch. They did drop some updates sprinkled throughout, such as confirming a release date for the Tachyon Anomaly arriving by next week. We might even get a blog post with some insights on how it will work. We won’t need a high-level character to play it, and it will include a first update for the in-game cosmetic vendors. We even got a tease in the form of a picture featuring four Kamala Khans.



They couldn’t offer n update on the Omega-Level Threats this week, but CD has teased that we will get something next week. We will receive two OLTs when the core testing gets finished. They also revealed that a third is already in development. Their content team is also working on some interesting new levels that will offer larger set pieces. The devs also hinted that the upcoming Patrol Mode might include some great rewards, such as gainable credits and Exotic gear.

Now, there was a curious reveal that they are reworking the Mega Hive. CD wants to make it less of a chore but just as rewarding. In general, I hope that the Mega Hives get included with brand new elements periodically to keep them fresh after various updates. CD also teased that challenge cards might get expanded and the potential of Daily Access rewards getting included in the future.

Source: Twitch

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