Five Cases We’d Love She-Hulk to Litigate in the MCU

‘She-Hulk’ hits Disney+ tomorrow, so we’re taking a look at five potential cases the character could tackle in the MCU.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law is set to be the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first foray into legal comedy. And in typical procedural fashion, there will most likely be a new court case every episode or two. With that being said, here are 5 potential court cases that Jennifer Walters, a.k.a. She-Hulk, could litigate in her Disney+ series or any of her future appearances in the MCU. Dun-Dun!

Case #1: Rhodes v. Hammer

This is something that’s been done in the comics, but it could be a lot of fun in the MCU. Especially because, while they constantly like to hint at its existence, they’ve never really explored in-universe superhero merchandising to its fullest potential. In the comics, Kingpin owns the merchandising rights to Spider-Man. While Kingpin and Spider-Man wouldn’t be the right characters to do this with here, there is a different hero that’s been on the Avengers, whose enemy could realistically take over their merchandising rights. Honestly, it could actually be really fun to have Justin Hammer purchase the merchandising rights for War Machine.

There could be a Stark Industries fire-sale where Justin Hammer manages to scrounge together some money to secure the rights to sell merchandise based on the War Machine. Hammer can go all out on running the property into the ground, all the while making a huge profit. Rhodes can reach out to She-Hulk for help going up against Hammer in court, suing to get the War Machine merchandising rights back. However, Hammer can retort, claiming that it was he who created the War Machine to begin with. Most of the design choices of the War Machine suit were his, as Rhodes and Stark were using a plain old Iron Man suit. Therefore, they would not be selling War Machine merchandise without Hammer in the first place. It could be a lot of fun.

Case #2: The Innocent Bystander

Remember in Doctor Strange when, after discovering that the Hong Kong Sanctum had fallen, Strange uses the Time Stone to reverse time? Well, it could be funny to see a civilian who was brought back to life after being killed in the Hong Kong Sanctum attack try to collect his own life insurance, since he technically died. Now, this guy can be well-meaning and have good intentions. Maybe he is down on his luck and needs some money. So, he goes to She-Hulk with a brilliant idea: he is going to sue his insurance company, making the case that even though he is alive now, he did die, so they should give him his life insurance money. It’s something that could even be further examined with those that disappeared as part of the snap, only to come back and find their lives had forever changed.

Case #3: Crimes of the Widows

A black widow needs to prove that she was under mind-control when she committed a murder. Mind-control has been a fixture of the MCU since Phase 1, with characters such as Bucky Barnes and Hawkeye being forced to carry out horrible acts while under another’s command. This could be a great opportunity to examine whether or not someone should be held responsible for crimes they’ve committed while under mind-control; something the MCU has never fully acknowledged. While this could also work with Bucky, it would probably be best suited for a black widow, since there’s not really a lot of record of what they’ve done, making it easier for different crimes and assassinations to be pinned on them.

One black widow could be forced to stand trial for a murder they committed while under mind-control, and She-Hulk would have to come up with a way to prove this to the jury, as well as convince them that she should not be held responsible. Bucky could be brought in to testify as a character witness, explaining how mind-control works. She-Hulk could even mind-control an unconvinced member of the jury; a fun way to persuade them that mind-control is real.

Case #4: What Makes a God?

After an Asgardian breaks a local law, She-Hulk could defend them on the basis that you cannot sue a “god.” This would be a great opportunity to explore the nature of “godhood” in the MCU, especially after Thor: Love and Thunder failed to really examine what makes an Asgardian – or any other “deity” in the MCU for that matter – a “god.” Maybe the Asgardians can be a little more sympathetic in this situation. Perhaps the Roxxon Energy Corporation wants to force the Asgardians off of New Asgard so they can dig for oil. She-Hulk can defend the Asgardians and their land, claiming that wherever they are currently is technically sacred ground because they are all “gods” of a religion that did use to exist. There is plenty of room for them to play around with this concept.

Case #5: Hammer v. Stern

Justin Hammer sues to get out of jail, making the case that he was manipulated by Hydra member Senator Stern. There should be more Justin Hammer in the MCU, so why not throw him into She-Hulk: Attorney at Law? And this one’s interesting because Hammer was working with Senator Stern, played by Garry Shandling in Iron Man 2. They were on the same side and the Senator seemed to be propping Hammer up. And it turns out that the Senator was working for Hydra. Now, it’s unclear if everyone working for Stern was part of Hydra, how many people knew about this, or if Hammer even knew about this at the time. However, Hammer can use this as an opportunity to get the charges on him dropped in the process, putting what remains as one of the MCU’s biggest unanswered questions to rest.

Justin Hammer can say that Stern, being a member of Hydra, tricked him into unwillingly participating in Hydra activity, by convincing him that stopping Tony Stark was the right thing to do for the country. Hammer can claim that he didn’t know Stern was a secret evil Hydra Nazi, but ultimately, he was using this as the grounds for why he should be released from jail. Hammer is able to BS his way through the legal system, but She-Hulk can advise that part of the condition of his release be that there needs to be an Avenger looking after him. She appoints Rhodey as his custodian, which could perfectly set up Justin Hammer’s return and play out in Armor Wars.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law premieres on Disney+ August 18, 2022.

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